Section-by-Section Description of H.R. 2407

Learn what H.R. 2407, the School Milk Nutrition Act of 2015, includes with this straight-forward section by section explanation.

School Milk Nutrition Act Legislation

Click the link above to review the actual language of the  School Milk Nutrition Act (H. R. 2407) sponsored by Rep. Glenn Thompson (R-PA) and Rep. Joe Courtney (D-CT).

USDA Child Nutrition Program Information

The above link provides access to detailed information about the USDA Child Nutrition Program, including the National School Lunch program.

Despite growing public school enrollment, schools are selling fewer half-pint cartons of milk. Yet, school-aged children are not receiving the recommended daily servings of dairy in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA). The Midwest Dairy Coalition supports legislative and regulatory measures to increase school meal program participation and efforts to ensure milk plays an increasing role in childhood nutrition. 

School Nutrition

Fact Sheet on School Milk Nutrition Act

This is the fact sheet distributed by the dairy industry, explaining the major components of the bipartisan School Milk Nutrition Act (H.R. 2407)

Ensuring the role of milk in child nutrition programs


USDA School Lunch Program Fact Sheet

This the fact sheet distributed by the USDA regarding the National School Lunch Program.